When Should My Child See An Orthodontist Arvada For Snoring?

When should my child visit an orthodontics clinic? The sooner the better! Early treatment can help prevent problems like crowded teeth, gaps, and snoring. These issues can be easily remedied with orthodontic care. Let’s take a look at why early treatment is so important. Listed below are some of the most common reasons for early treatment. For more information, please contact the office of your choice.
Early orthodontic treatment can prevent crowded teeth

Early orthodontic treatment can correct spacing and positioning issues and prevent crowded teeth. Early treatment will also correct jaw problems, such as underbite and crossbite. While genetics are often the main cause of bite problems in young children, other factors, such as prolonged pacifier or bottle use, can also contribute. Here are some examples of early orthodontic treatment for children. These treatments may be needed to correct your child’s jaw alignment and prevent crowded teeth in the future.

One common type of early treatment is known as palatal expander appliance, which can address crowded teeth and crossbites. This treatment can also help prevent asymmetric jaw growth by altering the position of the teeth and the size of the jaw. A screw-like device is used to attach the appliance to the child’s six-year molars. This appliance allows the roof of the mouth to stretch, thereby increasing the amount of space for permanent teeth.

Crooked teeth

The importance of proper dental hygiene is often overlooked when it comes to your child’s smile. While teeth are prone to getting crooked as we grow older, there are a variety of reasons that your child should get braces for crooked teeth. In addition to boosting your child’s self-esteem, a beautiful smile can improve their oral health. Poor teeth can lead to tartar buildup and other problems that can cause more serious problems later. Orthodontists in Arvada can help prevent these problems from occurring by providing a healthy smile.

Many people first notice their crooked teeth as their baby teeth fall out. Other people begin to notice a gap between their front teeth. Others may discover that they have crooked teth years later. In either case, a trip to an orthodontist can help correct the problem. The best way to find an orthodontist is to have your regular dentist recommend one. A referral is a great way to get the right treatment, and will make the process of insurance claims a lot simpler.


You may notice gaps in your smile when you look in the mirror. A correctly aligned smile shouldn’t have gaps, but gaps can be subtle or hidden in the back of your mouth. If you notice gaps, you should schedule an appointment with an orthodontist right away. Gaps can cause health issues and even gingival irritation. The following are some common reasons why your teeth may be misaligned.

One of the most common reasons that your child needs to visit an orthodontist is because the teeth are too close together. This can make it difficult to brush or floss. You may also notice gaps that cause gingivitis and tooth decay. An orthodontist can help you overcome these issues. While many of us are aware of the benefits of orthodontic treatment, you may not be aware of the risks.


A child snores occasionally. Loud snoring is an indication of a cold or allergy, while a loud gasp for breath is a sign of sleep apnea. Orthodontic treatment may help correct the underlying problem, which may include the jaw. But when should my child see an Orthodontist Arvada for Snoring?

The cause of snoring isn’t fully understood, but it is a serious health issue. It may be a symptom of sleep apnea, an underlying condition that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and obesity. Snoring is very disruptive to sleep and can leave your partner feeling groggy and unrefreshed. Snoring should be addressed immediately, as it may lead to other health problems in the future.

Dental school

There are many benefits of early treatment for children with misaligned teeth. Early treatment is known as Phase One Orthodontics. This treatment focuses on correcting any underlying issues with the developing teeth and jaws. Most children should see an orthodontist by age seven, but some children can benefit from an orthodontic exam even as young as five years of age. You can start your child on the road to good oral health by scheduling a consultation with a pediatric dentist.

While a child’s teeth may appear straight and perfect, there are hidden problems that may require treatment. These problems may include open or deep bites, teeth crowding, habits such as thumb-sucking, and more. Orthodontics can fix these subtle problems and help prevent problems with the child’s future adult teeth. Depending on the severity of the issues, braces may be needed as early as age seven.

Can orthodontist help with snoring?

While snoring can be caused by a number of factors, in some cases, your teeth can be the culprit, and orthodontic treatment can help.

At what age should I take my child to the orthodontist?

age 7
The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that children have their first check-up with an orthodontist as soon as an orthodontic problem is detected and no later than age 7 even if there does not seem to be any problems. At age 6 to 7 years, children have a mix of baby (primary) and permanent teeth.

Can an orthodontist diagnose sleep apnea?

Although orthodontists cannot diagnose and treat obstructive sleep apnea on their own, they may be the first medical professionals to recognize symptoms in adults and children.

Why would a child be referred to an orthodontist?

By age 7, your child has enough permanent teeth for an orthodontist to evaluate if a problem exists or is developing. Most orthodontists take x-rays and photos to evaluate any concerns or potential problems with permanent teeth – such as extra teeth, missing teeth or teeth coming into the wrong positions.

Can straightening teeth help snoring?

Braces Don’t Cure Snoring
Braces are usually designed to straighten the teeth. Although this can expand the upper and lower jaw, improving the size of the airway, this isn’t something that orthodontists usually take into account when doing braces. As a result, the treatment doesn’t cure snoring.

Do retainers help with sleep apnea?

Oral appliance therapy is an effective treatment option for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). An oral appliance fits over your teeth like an orthodontic retainer while you sleep and supports your jaw in a forward position to keep your airway open.

Can a 7 year old get braces?

How Early Can Kids Start Braces? Traditionally, treatment with dental braces begins when a child has lost most of his or her baby (primary) teeth, and a majority of the adult (permanent) teeth have grown in —usually between the ages of 8 and ‘4.

Can a ‘0 year old get braces?

Patients with orthodontic problems can benefit from treatment at nearly any age. An ideal time for placement of braces is between ‘0 and ‘4 years of age, while the head and mouth are still growing and teeth are more conducive to straightening.

Can a dentist tell if you snore?

The Signs of Snoring Your Dentist May Find
However other dental signs also provide further information on the risk of snoring and sleep apnea. Some signs dentists check for include a large tongue, retrusive jaw, or enlarged tonsils.

Can dental problems cause snoring?

Whether you lost a tooth in an injury or had some surgically removed, missing teeth can impact the physiology of your mouth and narrow your airway which can cause snoring.Why is it important to see an orthodontist?
Orthodontic treatment will help your child bite and chew, and contribute to clear speech. When teeth function properly, they tend to look nice. An attractive smile is a pleasant side effect of orthodontic treatment, and can have emotional benefits.

Do retainers keep you from snoring?

Improve breathing
This is a lesser-known advantage of retainers that might come as a shock to you, but yes, retainers help with breathing. There are retainers out there that are not only used to help straighten the teeth or align the jaws but are used for snoring or breathing properly at night.