Art Clokey Net Worth, Career, Biography, Facts, Age, Life Story

Art Clokey was an American animator who had a net worth of $1 million. Born Arthur Clokey (October 12, 1921 – January 8, 2010), he became best known as the co-creator of the cartoon character Gumby, as well as the pioneer in the popularization of stop motion clay animation in the USA.

Clokey started his career with a film experiment known as Gumbasia; it was a project that got highly influenced by his professor, Slavko Vorkapich, who taught at the University of Southern California. Later on, he and his wife Ruth created the clay character Gumby and his horse Pokey, who first appeared in the Howdy Doody Show. Eventually, Gumby and Pokey got their own series called The Adventures of Gumby, with which they earned their presence on American television. Actually, they became iconic and enjoyed a renewal of interest in the 1980s as American comedian and actor Eddie Murphy parodied Gumby in a skit on Saturday Night Live. A decade later, a movie called “Gumby: The Movie” came to light too, sparking even more interest.

Net Worth:$1 Million
Date of Birth:Oct 12, 1921 – Jan 8, 2010 (88 years old)
Profession:Film director, Screenwriter, Animator
Nationality:United States of America