What Did the Duck Say When He Bought Lipstick?

“What did the duck say when he bought lipstick?” you might ask. Apparently, he said, “Put it on my bill.”

Rubber duck jokes

If you want to quack, you can’t go wrong with a rubber duck. These funny little animals are omnivores and eat bread, insects, fish, and aquatic plants. Not only do duck jokes sound funny, but they’re also catchy! And, if you’re not sure what a quack is, here are some examples of a good duck joke.

When you’re looking for a fun joke to tell your friends, ducks are the perfect option! These funny stories are sure to make you laugh. These rubber duck jokes are guaranteed to make your friends laugh. You’ll be laughing for days after reading these funny duck jokes! Read below to laugh and enjoy! Just remember to share them with your friends! You’ll be glad you did! Rubber duck jokes when he bought lipstick?

If you’ve ever attended a fancy event and you need a great way to impress your date, consider using a rubber duck as your prank. Wear a nice dress and lipstick to make a memorable impression. You won’t be the only one laughing. When your date wants to make you laugh, don’t forget to dress up! There are plenty of hilarious jokes about ducks, so you’re bound to find some that will make you laugh!

Funny duck stories are the best way to make people laugh. Try a duck joke the next time you’re on a date and you’ll soon see that the funny duck will make you laugh! If you’re having trouble with money, try a rubber duck joke! He’ll surely be surprised! A rubber duck’s story is a classic, so get ready to laugh! This joke is sure to make you laugh and make your date smile!

Rubber duck puns

If you have ever walked into a store and noticed a rubber duck on the box, you’ve been warned. Ducks are infamous for causing havoc on the environment. In fact, ducks are so hardheaded, the teacher was quite annoyed when the kids would make quacking jokes and make inappropriate purchases. But ducks are also great at budgeting. They know how to handle their money. If you’ve ever seen a duck with a quackitute, you’ll know what I mean. And don’t forget about the fact that ducks don’t have hair.

A great way to get your friends to laugh is to tell them a rubber duck joke while purchasing your favorite brand of lipstick. These clever little puns are sure to make you laugh. Try one the next time you’re buying lipstick and see how many people crack up! It’s guaranteed to make everyone laugh, and the funny thing is, the jokes can last all day. It’s also a great way to pass the time at the store because you won’t have to explain yourself to anyone.